I had This in  the sidebar, but I eventually decided to place this in a blog post later on. This was for the possible losses of Hatsune Miku. Getting there, I will tell you know, is not fun. But anime is!

"I'm not sure if any of you are aware, but did you know Korea is trying to take Miku Hatsune off youtube. If you don't know her, you're probably wondering who Miku is right? Well she's a 3D computerized Vocaloid that sings realistic computerized notes along side the D.I.V.A.  Project.

Now that you know; I'm implying that they're going after your videos that have Miku involved, but they're well on there way to wiping Miku off the map in Korea (Advertizement wise). So the link below I came across while on facebook. I thought this was just a sham site, but it's real.

Supporting them will aid in the non-disappearance of Hatsune Miku. (And no, you don't use money to aid). Go to their site and support a legendary DIVA!"

"UPDATE: April 16th 2012

I have been collecting massive data towards assisting with the Save Miku Campaign such as: white house bills, copyright laws, and many other aspects as well. For the pas 3 days April 14th to the 16th, I have referred to, http://www.facebook.com/groups/338923086140600/ group to investigate the copyright flaws. Since someone already beat me to the punch, "April 17th Philippines times" Miku Hatsune is not in the heat for deletion, along with any of your Youtube accounts. But circumstances are changing constantly, so I will refer to this group several times to make sure that they're no more afflictions."