You've probably got the link from YouTube, but there I uploaded a video to my sister's wedding. It was very strange to see her cry here and there, because of happiness. Unfortunately my camera is not the best, but luckily I was the only one there with a camera to video the whole sh-bang.

So why not put this in my blog? The other half of the family, her husband's family, they have HD photos, so if I know ya and you'd like some pictures, send me a message by the "Contact Me" tab, and I'll see what I can do.
Here is the link:

As you may... or may not know I'm putting up some free stuff to give away (anime/manga related). but I'm trying to set the stage for my figma models to pose with them. So be patient, and I'll be needing some new members; at least 10, to get it all starting. Later on I'll add them on a separate page, and hit ya'll up with quizzes ^-^