Updates + Game Review

Posted by Denzel Walker on Thursday, February 21, 2013 In : Games 

Hello everyone! Everything has just been on and off and going through portals. College is going swell (Can't wait to go to Japan, when I get the chance!). I've actually done many things in recent moments and have started many outside accounts.

I finally had some time and did some game reviews, but I mixed it up. I thought I'd try a little "Artificial academy" for a bit of change - and I mean only a bit. Be sure to check that out when ya got the time. Exams are getting a bit more intense, but I...

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MATH to yonder download fails

Posted by Denzel Walker on Wednesday, January 9, 2013 In : Updates 
It's been way too long since I last posted. I should definitely change when I would post on the blog. I've definitely been
really busy lately, sorry.

I recently got into my math class at the college I'm attending. With math, I'm not too bad with - it's just the simple stuff that catches me off guard. Quadratics and heavy trigonometry I should be able to remember. (I'm sort of a nerd when it comes to solving math in the most complicated ways...

... Like a boss).

I got so downloads you guys could ...

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