Showing category "Updates" (Show all posts)

MATH to yonder download fails

Posted by Denzel Walker on Wednesday, January 9, 2013, In : Updates 
It's been way too long since I last posted. I should definitely change when I would post on the blog. I've definitely been
really busy lately, sorry.

I recently got into my math class at the college I'm attending. With math, I'm not too bad with - it's just the simple stuff that catches me off guard. Quadratics and heavy trigonometry I should be able to remember. (I'm sort of a nerd when it comes to solving math in the most complicated ways...

... Like a boss).

I got so downloads you guys could ...

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Help Meh! MLP Virus

Posted by Denzel Walker on Monday, December 10, 2012, In : Updates 
Long enough right? Well lucky for you I found a few solutions a bit easier to work with, as far as updates go. That's up
to you to look at them, but as far as the site goes... well that's up to you as well.Now you may be wondering, "what are
you talking about", and the answer to the question is really simple. I've been watching some new animated works, but can you guess what it might be? I give you some hints: it started in 2010, featured towards a younger audience, and is only featured on the...
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Going to Travel? Anime Style!

Posted by Denzel Walker on Thursday, November 15, 2012, In : Updates 

Looks like it's been a while since I posted anything, but it's about time right? Well I have the opportunity to study abroad to different parts of Japan for a Semester or two. The only thing I want from you guys, is input. Should I go (knowing a $15000USA payment will be made each month), or should I stay and save money. What do you guys suppose I do? Comment below.

Remember you can have me look up any download you want. A few minor updates, but this blog will turn itself around, you'll see ve...

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Finally Stabilized! Finally Kingdom Hearts 365

Posted by Denzel Walker on Sunday, October 7, 2012, In : Updates 

Finally Prized-Sakura is stabilized and ready for use! The only other situation, is the members and forum section. Seems like it's going to take longer than expected to finish of this site. However that doesn't mean many features of the site aren't still working, go check them out!

YES! I finished Kingdom Hearts 365. And just like every game in the KH series, it gives you that "feeling". Meaning you can relate to the character in more ways than one; or that you can even explain. I feel like I ...

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Posted by Denzel Walker on Thursday, September 20, 2012, In : Updates 

It's been a while now since the site has been officially open since the last meeting of MAACC. But now I have some info for you about some updates. Recently "Prized-Sakura" has been closed by uncertain events, and will now reopen for a limited time. It will reopen in about a week or 2 and serve up a new-way-of-visual. I have tons of anime which I haven't read but might read before giving it to you. As long as the shipping is not over $5.00 just to mail it... or "Out of control prices" are inv...

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Too much anime? Nah!

Posted by Denzel Walker on Sunday, September 9, 2012, In : Updates 

Hello MACAH! it's been too long to converse on all the constant "instances of life" but we're all okay aren't we? Anyway, many of the projects I have committed to might be on halt for a while. That does not mean I won't post stuff here and again, but I'll have to halt for the time being. Many new types of Japanese related news have started to spring up now and again - and now I'm curious. How does someone find links and info to such technological news?
By the way, I thought I might eventually...

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A Party on my Back!

Posted by Denzel Walker on Sunday, August 19, 2012, In : Updates 
Hey guys, sorry I haven't been posting and keeping up to date with you guys, but now that classes are over for the time being I can now start updating the blog. There are new downloads and game reviews that have been uploaded, be sure to check those out.

On face book I came across a an image that greatly reflects the way otaku show emotions while viewing anime. I just thought that you guys can relate to what this picture portraits:

So as far as the forum goes, I'm sorry I haven't been able to a...

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Changes and Updates

Posted by Denzel Walker on Thursday, July 12, 2012, In : Updates 

Hey, I'm just letting all of you know, that I'll be making some changes to the site. Not too many at first, but just enough. These might include: more organized pages, possible events and conventions, etc. Getting info isn't easy 'ya know'. Oh! btw, they'll be new game review and other cool stuff I'll be starting.

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